One-stop lab services

CMiM helps you to conduct material test, characterize, analyze, and develop materials up to microscopic level.

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High quality, fast, and reliable

Product and services

We conduct tests, characterizations and developments of materials especially in the microscopic level. We direct ourselves to also build our own automatic instrumentations, to maximize sustainable added values. We provide consultations and trainings on materials characterizations and our products.

  • Characterization & consultation SEM-EDS, XRD, XRF
  • Other characterization
  • SEM & XRF sample preparation
  • Garudarupa 3D Printer
  • 3D Printing
  • Seminar & workshop
  • Research
Quanta 650 of Thermoscientific, SEM-EDSQuanta 650 of Thermoscientific, SEM-EDS
The Ox of Malvern PanalyticalThe Ox of Malvern Panalytical
Axia by Thermoscientific, SEM EDSAxia by Thermoscientific, SEM EDS
Why choose us

You will get quality service

PT. Cipta Mikro Material (CMiM) has been established on 2017 with the vision of maximizing added values of any raw materials with automation. We have access to other labs with relatively quick turnover. With the support of equipment and work culture, we will provide the best service for you.


Expert supports with strong backgrounds in materials science & technologies.

1-day service

SEM-EDS, XRD and XRF raw data can be delivered within the same day the sample arrive.

Witness/streaming friendly

Client can see the measurements and have the consultation or training offline and/or online.

Operation alliance

Sophisticated instruments strongly depend on operators. We manage qualified operators for your facilities.